This past week I had the pleasure of returning to Bikram Teacher Training which is now being held in San Diego. As teachers, we are encouraged to return to training and help the staff with the new trainees. It's a wonderful opportunity to network with other teachers and studio owners. It's also a great opportunity to recruit teachers (new and veteran) for my new studio.
I sat in on some great lectures from Bikram on the philosophy of yoga. I also caught Dr. Das' lecture on yoga therapy. During my initial training, we're given a lot of information within those nine weeks and it's a lot to take in. It's nice to return at a later time when we've had practical experience as teachers. The information is able to sink in even deeper.
No teacher training is complete without late night Indian movies. I stayed up 2 nights for a viewing of Mahabarata and and a newer version of a classic with Rotik Rashaan.
I have been corresponding with architects all week and hope to have a decision within the next day or two. Once drawings are complete, then gc's will bid, permits, then let's get building!