Thursday, December 2, 2010

Movin' Right Along

Hello fellow yogi's!

The plans were officially submitted to the city for review this week. Hopefully, there will not be too much to change. The yoga flooring was ordered this week and I am so excited about it. It will a combination of oranges & reds, Bikram's favorite colors. I met with my architect/ design consultant today and finalized all of the paint colors, countertop finishes and locker room fixtures. I will speak with my heating consultant tonight and order the heating equipment! It's gonna be some hot stuff!

Many folks have been asking about what the schedule will be. I will send out a survey soon to get a feel for what will be most the convenient for the most people. All comments and suggestions are always greatly appreciated!

Tomorrow, I am off to NYC for a teacher's seminar with Diane Ducharme. I attended her seminar last month in Lexington and gained so much deep insight into the postures. I am looking forward to what she will share with us! I really enjoy these opportunities to travel and to continue to learn from Bikram and his most senior and experienced teachers. Nothing with these postures ever changes, but our insight as students AND teachers will always continue to evolve.


  1. YAY! How exciting! Reds and oranges are our troupe's colors and they are so vibrant and wonderful. If you need help with anything please let me know!
    Regarding class schedule, I love taking a 4:30 or 5pm class because I still feel like i have time to get things done at home or some nights go to dance class afterwards.
    Are you going to have a 30day challenge? I'm amazed at the results I see after only a few months 2-3 times a week! I can't imagine 30 days straight! I'd be in :)

  2. How cool that you all use those colors, they are such HAPPY colors!
    I'm leaning towards the 4:30 and 6:30 schedule for the evening but it's not set in stone yet.
    I will have 30 day challenges with the option of a 60 day challenge ( for the insane!)
